6:30pm – Social
7:00pm – Silent Auction
9:00pm – Live Auction
This is a big fundraiser for Home On The Range! Themed baskets are put together and donated to the Basket Bash. There is a silent auction on the baskets and a live auction for some higher priced items. HOTR provides lights snacks and wine. There will be a Cash Bar, along with some games of chance, door prizes and live music! All money from the Basket Bash is used to purchase residents’ Christmas and Birthday presents.
So get dressed up, come on out for a night of fun and help us provide presents for our residents! We have some who have never received a Christmas or birthday present. Help us to make a lasting memory for these kids!
If you would like to donate a basket or door prize, please contact Vanessa at Home On The Range at 701-872-3745 or email her at vanessau@hotrnd.com.